Urban Challenge 2021 - Lunawood

Lunawood Urban Challenge 2021 called for all architecture and design students to transform our urban environment. The participants were given the opportunity to lower the carbon footprint of buildings and increase healthy living with sustainable and renewable Lunawood Thermowood.

The Challenge attracted 204 submissions from 44 different countries. The high quality of the designs challenged the international jury. The three winners along with the three honorable mentions, challenged the current perception of modern urban environment and wood architecture.

There was a total cash prize of € 15,000 to reward the winning designs.


The Winner of Architercture


Rebeka Karboníková, Patrik Nociar

“Post offices are one of the most important buildings in towns and cities. It is sad to see some of those buildings degrading although people using them every day. In our hometown, post office is unpleasant looking building, and it needs renewal. The building is part of town square, which is also deteriorated, and we are convinced it did not show its full potential.

New design is described by one word – flow.
Because building is used for maintaining contact between people, our design represents flowing information, flowing conversation, which is spreading like a wave. Thus, facade seems like it moves, like it flows.
The building and the renewed town square will provide adequate place for such important building with place for public gatherings.
It also provides relaxing place for people passing by.”

The Winner of Landscaping

Meet me at the river

Mikolaj Chmiel, Filip Piasecki, Oskar Maly
United Kingdom / Poland

“River Don – meandring between XIXth and XXth century Sheffield buildings, links a formerly industrial, now more and more appreciated, Kelham Island with the centre of the city ‘built on seven hills’. As more and more people find Kelham attractive, it has become a desirable place to visit

Near the bridge over the river a neglected river bank with a car park next to it caught our attention. Inspired by open social spaces and how they influence the community we thought to redesign this site and use its potential.

We separated the scheme into two distinct areas – an open air social space exposed to the river and greenery and an enclosed dining space hosting different local food vendors. The main theme we focused on was the relation of industrial typology with the shear architecture that wood offers.”

The Winner of Interior

Wood and Travertine

Maria Laura Polselli

“Situated in an abandoned factory in Rome, the Lounge bar “Wood and Travertine” wishes to combine the nordic tradition of wooden buildings with the local culture. This is underlined by the materials and function hosted.

In fact, the design emphasizes a jointed use of wood and Travertine, the white and porous marble present in historical buildings and archaeological remain . The former is used for the false ceiling and the panelling of the sanitary block, the latter for the floor, the furniture and the exterior.

The function that the building provides to urban people is deeply connected with the existing environment. As a matter of fact, the site is located in the hearth of Pigneto, Roman cultural centre of nightlife and independent movie production.

Therefore, our Lounge bar aims to be the place where people meet to drink, socialize and discuss the latest trends in art and cinema.”

The honourable mentions are given to:

The honourable mention

Eco Filling

Artur Gała

“As a target for the transformation of the urban environment I have chosen neglected, gray
courtyards of tenement houses, situated in the center of Gliwice – a city located in southern
Poland. The main purpose of the project is to ‘inject’ eco-friendly materials into the
courtyards of the townhouses by filling them with facade claddings, battens, decking from
Lunawood, and plants such as trees, bushes, and high grasses. The benefit of using such
materials is the transformation of the urban environment into a healthier, more sustainable,
and community-friendly place. The realization of such a project in the city center could
contribute to the popularization of the use of such material on a larger scale and educate
society about ecology. In this concept, greenery and newly designed wooden elements are
treated as an ecological oasis in the grey city and as a direct link between the residents of
this area and mother nature.”

The honourable mention

The Proper Graffiti School

Mikolaj Chmiel, Filip Piasecki, Oskar Maly
United Kingdom / Poland

“The grounds of the school are located in the Juliusz Słowacki estate in Lublin, which was designed by Oskar and Zofia Hansen. This place was meant to be a background, a stage for the lives of estate’s residents, where they could rest and meet others. Over the years, the area has been devastated. Project’s aim is to adapt it to its new users who have already introduced modifications, e.g. graffiti, and to create a resident-friendly space with new functions concerning education and exhibition. Therefore, in cooperation with local artists and culture animators, workshops on creating aesthetic graffiti will be held there. Concrete blocks are partially covered with wood, and the layout is filled with naturalization plants. Ruderal species of plants, which are resistant to harsh conditions, will make the place more natural and wild. Wooden terraces, pots and structures intertwine with concrete, creating the background of the Proper Graffiti School.”

The honourable mention


Nicola Grossmann and Sandra Schillinger

“While strolling through Munich, we realised many unused open spaces between the existing buildings. The way throughs in a width of 5 to 10m date back to the time of the pavilion construction from the end of the 18th century. To condense the city and work against the housing problem in Munich, we built at the existing structure next to our house. Our precedent was a polypore, so used a wood construction. Staying in the theme of the forest the floor is made of clay. The whole building has a lamellar structure with different uses like a sofa, bench, bed or shelf.”

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