
Päivi Nyberg has over 30 years work experience in forest industry

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I work in Sales support team as a Sales assistant in Lunawood Kaskinen mill. I work in close collaboration with our Area managers and supporting distributors from numerous different countries, currently including the UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Kenya, Brazil, Colombia, Sweden and Norway.

My work includes e.g. processing orders and invoices and preparation of the needed export documents. I interact with our customers daily, helping them with orders and deliveries.

I have worked in the forest industry for 30 years already and joined Lunawood due to company acquisition 5 years ago. At Lunawood I like the professionalism and customer orientation that our company offers. Meaning in the work is also important to me and on the daily basis I like that open questions are answered quickly. The most rewarding part of my job is when things go as planned and our customers are happy. For sure sometimes there are challenging situations, but we always work them out. The challenges are actually really rewarding, and it adds an extra spice to my work.

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