
Environmental Product Declaration

An environmental product declaration (EPD) is an independently verified and registered document which quantifiably demonstrates the environmental performance of a product. EPD is conducted according to the European Standard for the generation of environmental product declarations for construction products, EN 15804 + A1 and ISO 14025

The environmental product declaration of Lunawood Thermowood products is calculated and written by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and published in the objective ECO Platform which gathers together verified environmental information of construction products. Lunawood Thermowood EPD represents the production of Lunawood Rough Thermo Timber and Planed Lunawood Thermowood® with Thermo-S or Thermo-D treatment. It does not cover the production of upgraded or surface-treated products.


The environmental product declaration of Lunawood Thermowood can be downloaded directly from ECO Platform https://www.eco-platform.org/list-of-all-eco-epd.html.



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