
Lunawood has been granted Achiever and Growth company status

Balance Consulting, the analysis unit of Kauppalehti Oy, has granted Lunawood Achiever status for its financial performance. Companies receiving Achiever certification are stable businesses with solid growth, good financial results and profitability, a strong financial structure and liquidity to ensure continued operation. A comparison of these key indicators has put this company in the top tier of its own industry and the entire country. The Achiever 2017 rankings are based on the financial years ended between June 2016 and May 2017.

Lunawood has also earned its status as a Growth Company. The company has been able to grow substantially during the previous three years. In these three years, the average revenue growth of the company receiving Kauppalehti´s Growth Company Certificate has been more than 10 percentage points faster than average in its main industry category.

More about these awards:

About Achiever certification

Balance Consulting, the research and analysis unit of Kauppalehti newspaper, undertakes an annual analysis of companies’ performance on the basis of their financial statement data. The companies’ financial performance is rated according to six key indicators.

A company is classified as an achiever if its growth, profitability, financial structure and liquidity are in good order. Achiever status is also relative, as each company is awarded points for each key indicator on the basis of comparison with other companies across the board and within its own industry. Companies are compared with other companies in the same size classification.

Achiever certification requires proof that a company is among the top firms in Finland as a whole and within its own industry in terms of financial performance. Less than 5 percent of Finnish companies will make the Kauppalehti Achiever list.

The Achiever certificate is therefore proof of a company being on a solid financial foundation. The bankruptcy risk of Achiever companies is extremely low.  Less than one company in a thousand has drifted to bankrupt annually. Companies like this are reliable and desirable partners as well as good employers. The Achiever certificate also shows that the management and organisation of the company are working efficiently, and that the company has the required business acumen.

Growth Company

Only a small share of Finnish businesses are entitled to the Kauppalehti Growth Company Certificate. These businesses have significantly increased their revenue in the past three years. Excellent management creates growth and successful business.

Businesses whose annual revenue growth on average has exceeded the industry average by a minimum of ten per cent during the past three measurement years are entitled to order the Growth Company Certificate. Revenue must also be growing in the most recent measurement year.


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