
Lunawood ThermoWood® tested to comply with Fire Class D

Lunawood ThermoWood® complies with the new EU fire regulations.

Lunawood has prepared well in advance for the EU Commission’s delegated regulation defining the requirements for the reaction-to-fire classification of wooden cladding, panels, and batten elements, demanding testing for all treated and modified wood products.

It is our pleasure to announce that flat Lunawood spruce and pine cladding products with a minimum thickness of 19 mm will maintain the fire class D rating. This rating has been achieved without any fire protection treatment preserving the fundamental principle of Lunawood ThermoWood®: a completely non-toxic, safe, yet durable natural material.

Development and testing to find solution for Lunawood’s 3D products as well as for surface treated products to comply with Fire Class D are also under work. Open structures with Lunawood battens must be tested separately on a project-by-project basis as required by the local fire authority.

What is actually changing?

 EU Commission has published a decision 2006/213/EC on the Delegated Regulation on the conditions for classification, without testing, of solid wood panelling and cladding regarding their reaction to fire on the 22nd of May 2024. This regulation requires all modified wood, including thermally modified wood products to be tested separately to maintain the current fire class D. The 90 days implementation period of the regulation ends on the 20th of August 2024 and thereafter all manufacturers of modified wood products must be able to demonstrate that the products have been tested and approved to the requirements of Fire Class D.

What can we offer if the requirements are stricter?

For building projects with stricter requirements, we offer several premium ThermoWood® products with impregnated BurnBlock® fire protection. The fire-retardant treatment enables the use of Lunawood ThermoWood® in buildings requiring a Fire Class B rating. Lunawood ThermoWood® with non-toxic BurnBlock® fire-retardant treatment is also suitable for indoor applications, such as wall and ceiling panels, providing reliable fire protection. Read more here: Fire retardant Lunawood ThermoWood® – Lunawood

More info: Maija Masalin, VP Customer Experience, [email protected], +358 40 828 3877

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